June 11, 2010
Thanks for hanging out with me this week.
Is it Happy Hour yet? While the guys are taking a break, I thought I'd send you an update.
Wow, what a week! We started tearing down on Tuesday and by Friday the log structure is up, pinned, joists in, (except for the stairwell joists). Amazing! We've had a couple of logs that have been "twisted" by the southwest exposure, but Jason and his amazing brothers made the logs go where they wanted them to go. We have 3 courses to go and should wrap up this evening around 5ish.
The next step is to power wash the logs and water seal the top and bottom of each log where the chinking goes. This weekend we will debark (although I would much rather embark,,,,sorry, couldn't resist) and seal. Then the floor joists will have to be sanded to get over a 120 years of dirt off and get them ready to paint. I'll give you a lesson in faux painting in a few weeks.
The roof trusses go on Monday. I mentioned earlier tying the two together will be the real trick. I'll show you what that means later too.
I truly appreciate all your interest and your responses to this "little" project. The blueprints are in my head, along with the final result. I know its difficult to see what the final product will be,,,,,,but stay with me baby,,,you'll get the picture.
Okay, I'm not going to write on the blog everyday from this point,,,only occasionally, The exciting part is over and it's time for real work to begin. The devil is in the details, so that's what they tell me,,,we'll see!
Drop by when you can, would love to see you, (and take a break)
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